Myopia and Hyperopia
Myopia, also known as near-sightedness or short-sightedness, is a condition of the eye where the light that comes in does not directly focus on the retina but in front of it, causing the image that one sees when looking at a distant object to be out of focus, but in focus when looking at a close object. Myopia presents with blurry distance vision, but generally gives good near vision. In high myopia, even near vision is affected as objects must be extremely close to the eyes to see clearly, and people with myopia cannot read without their glasses prescribed for distance.
Hyperopia is farsightedness. It is a refractive error that is very common. Distant objects are seen more clearly than objects that are near. That said, hyperopia is experienced differently with different people. While some may not notice problems with their vision, especially while young, others with more significant hyperopia, experience vision that is blurry with objects at any distance, near or far.
We can correct myopia or hyperopia through the use of corrective lenses, such as glasses or contact lenses.